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send​ your 


news to Asia

​將     的   重   要   信   息       亞   洲


what's hulu


h u l u

hulunews is the web-based press release platform initiated by - MediaMix Limited, an integrated communications consultant based in Hong Kong. This innovative service aims at providing a convenient online solution for companies and organizations to send out their latest news in an effective and efficient manner.


With just a few clicks, news and images are transmitted directly to your target media by emails and/or SMS anytime anywhere. You will also receive a tracking report after the news is distributed. hulunews consists of an extensiveand ever expanding media network covering 15 regions in Asia with over 8,000 journalist contacts, in which over 2,000 journalists come from Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan & Macau).

葫  蘆  新  聞  發  放



「葫蘆新聞發放」使用簡便,只需要幾個步驟,便可以隨時隨地將新聞稿件及圖片以電郵及/或短訊形式直接傳送到你指定的媒體。「葫蘆新聞發放」更會於傳送完成後,免費附上信息發放報告,好讓你得悉有多少傳媒已收到及開啟電郵等資料。「葫蘆新聞發放」擁有不斷增加的龐大傳媒網絡,資料覆蓋亞洲15個地區超過8,000名新聞工作者。當中大中華區(中國、 香港、台灣及澳門)的新聞工作者人數超過2,000名。

Hulu [hú.lu] - Calabash, bottle gourd; dried shell used as container. In Chinese culture, hulu has magic to absorb anything, transform it into a better thing and release it in a more powerful way.

葫 蘆  [hú.lu]  -  草本植物,曬乾外殼可作容器。中國文化中,葫蘆具神奇力量可以吸收萬物, 將之轉化為美好事物, 並以更大能量發放。

why hulu





R  e  g  i  o  n  地  區

N  e  w  s    C  a  t  e  g  o  r  y   新  聞  分  類 

Architecture & Design建築及設計 Art & Culture文化藝術 Beauty & Fashion時裝及美容 Business & Finance商業財經 Career & Education職業及教育 Children, Youths & Parents兒童、青少年及家長 Computing, IT and Communications電腦及資訊科技 Current Affairs & News時事 Entertainment娛樂 Food & Lifestyle 飲食及生活 Medical & Health醫療及保健 Property地產 Sports體育 Travel旅遊 

Australia 澳洲 China 中國 Hong Kong 香港 India 印度 Indonesia 印度尼西亞 Japan 日本 Korea 韓國 Macau 澳門 Malaysia 馬來西亞 New Zealand 新西蘭 Philippines 菲律賓 Singapore 新加坡 Taiwan 台灣 Thailand 泰國 Vietnam 越南 






  • Over 8,000 media contacts in 15 regions

  • Comprehensive Tracking Report

  • Time & Cost Saving

  • No Bulk Transmission

  • Free Photo Upload

  • Easy Time Control

  • Free Advice for your Story 




T  r  a  c  k  i  n  g   R  e  p  o  r  t   信  息  發  放  報  告 

hulunews provides you a comprehensive press release distribution solution together with a tracking report. The report indicates the number of journalists receiving and opening your email and the reading time of every email. Time and effort to follow upwith the media will be largely saved. 發放信息以後,我們會免費向你提供一份信息發放報告。報告內容包括寄出郵件總數、已閱讀電郵數目及開啟電郵時間等,節省不少人手與時間,大大減輕郵件發送以後與媒體的跟進工作。






  • Over 8,000 media contacts in 15 regions

  • Comprehensive Tracking Report

  • Time & Cost Saving

  • No Bulk Transmission

  • Free Photo Upload

  • Easy Time Control

  • Free Advice for your Story 







R  e  g  i  o  n  地  區

Australia 澳洲 China 中國 Hong Kong 香港 India 印度 Indonesia 印度尼西亞 Japan 日本 Korea 韓國 Macau 澳門 Malaysia 馬來西亞 New Zealand 新西蘭 Philippines 菲律賓 Singapore 新加坡 Taiwan 台灣 Thailand 泰國 Vietnam 越南 

N  e  w  s    C  a  t  e  g  o  r  y   新  聞  分  類 

Architecture & Design建築及設計 Art & Culture文化藝術 Beauty & Fashion時裝及美容 Business & Finance商業財經 Career & Education職業及教育 Children, Youths & Parents兒童、青少年及家長 Computing, IT and Communications電腦及資訊科技 Current Affairs & News時事 Entertainment娛樂Food & Lifestyle 飲食及生活Medical & Health醫療及保健 Property地產 Sports體育 Travel旅遊 

T  r  a  c  k  i  n  g   R  e  p  o  r  t   信  息  發  放  報  告 

hulunews provides you a comprehensive press release distribution solution together with a tracking report. The report indicates the number of journalists receiving and opening your email and the reading time of every email. Time and effort to follow upwith the media will be largely saved. 發放信息以後,我們會免費向你提供一份信息發放報告。報告內容包括寄出郵件總數、已閱讀電郵數目及開啟電郵時間等,節省不少人手與時間,大大減輕郵件發送以後與媒體的跟進工作。






  • Over 8,000 media contacts in 15 regions

  • Comprehensive Tracking Report

  • Time & Cost Saving

  • No Bulk Transmission

  • Free Photo Upload

  • Easy Time Control

  • Free Advice for your Story 




Check back soon
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
Check back soon
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
Check back soon
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.



有   關   薈   萃   傳   播

MediaMix Limited is an integrated marketing communications and event management firm with proven track records of producing successful large-scale public events and managing effective marketing campaigns.

Founded by communications consultant Grace Au with two creative and media veterans in 2001, MediaMix has successfully accomplished over 500 projects of various scales in these exciting years.


Our lead consultants have 2 decades of experience in this profession. With our profound knowledge and strategic planning, our clients benefit from our one-stop full services. MediaMix provides total solutions in the area of creative, events, marketing and public relations, from offline to online.


We make good use of our extensive network spreading from media, entertainment, lifestyle, beauty & fashion, and healthcare, to technology, financial, charities and government sectors. It enables us to have an all-round perspective to create greater success for our clients.


write a press release

logo 1

logo 2

immediate release

headline: grab audiences' attention and draw them in for more

subheadline: descriptive and builds on the headline (not all releases need one)

the city of origin + dateline: for example (Hong Kong, 1st Jan 2016)

lead paragraph: summary of the content, to set up your story in a single paragraph

second paragraph + body: dive into more detail 

boilerplate: tell your audience who you are and what you do

contact information: name, phone number, email address, company name & web site

pay attention to the content of your press release
> is your news "newsworthy"?
> start strong
> write for the Media
> not everything is news
> does your press release illustrate?
> stick to the facts
> pick an angle
> use active, not passive, voice
> economics of words
> beware of jargon
> avoid the hype
> get permission
formatting your press release
> mixed case
> correct grammar usage
> word processor
> no HTML
> more than one paragraph
> summary paragraph
> do not include your e-mail address
   in the body of your release
> ticker Symbols

writing tips

Check back soon
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
hulu network
send news

write a press invitation

logo 1

logo 2

immediate release

headline: grab audiences' attention and draw them in for more

event details: date, time, venue

programme highlights

boilerplate: tell your audience who you are and what you do

contact information: name, phone number, email address, company name & web site



有   關   薈   萃   傳   播

MediaMix Limited is an integrated marketing communications and event management firm with proven track records of producing successful large-scale public events and managing effective marketing campaigns.

Founded by communications consultant Grace Au with two creative and media veterans in 2001, MediaMix has successfully accomplished over 500 projects of various scales in these exciting years.


Our lead consultants have 2 decades of experience in this profession. With our profound knowledge and strategic planning, our clients benefit from our one-stop full services. MediaMix provides total solutions in the area of creative, events, marketing and public relations, from offline to online.


We make good use of our extensive network spreading from media, entertainment, lifestyle, beauty & fashion, and healthcare, to technology, financial, charities and government sectors. It enables us to have an all-round perspective to create greater success for our clients.

3 steps

只  需  3  個  步  驟  你  的  信  息  便  可  傳  遍  亞  洲

A s i a

to send your news across

select region, category, broadcast time & upload the news and images



sign up as a member & log in



check out & make payment




professional support

News clipping 剪報服務

Press release writing 撰寫新聞稿

News distribution 新聞發放

News story pitch 新聞故事推銷

PR events 公關活動

Phone follow up 電話跟進

press release
contact us

contact us

Success! Message received.

Unit 1005 Leader Comm'l Bldg

54-56 Hillwood Road, Tsimshatsui
Kowloon, Hong Kong | Tel:+852 23833330 | Fax:+852 23833339

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